
The directory is here to connect you to other Gaians.  It will grow over time.  Join the Discord to coordinate placement in the directory.

Report corrupted connections with this form or on the Discord. 

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Actual Plays

Actual Plays (AP) are live or recorded game sessions.  They may be video or only audio, and are typically meant to be engaged with passively, like watching a show.

Actual Plays
Game discussion

Actual Plays
Game discussion


Artists who create Werewolf art or props, some of whom may do commissions.  Artists are listed regardless of their current activity or commission availability.

Discord Servers

Discord Servers are a common way for the community to connect, and are one of the ways that publishers and IP holders engage with the fanbase.  Those servers are indicated by "Official".

Actual Plays
Game Discussion

Actual Plays
Game discussion

Game discussion


Podcasts are meant to be listened to and may also be Actual Plays in some instances, as well as book reviews, lore dives and discussions about the setting or specific games.

Actual Plays
Game discussion

Actual Plays
Game discussion

Game discussion
Lore dives
Video game reviews

Game discussion
Lore dives

Actual Plays
Book reviews
Game discussion
Lore dives


Resources are varied, ranging from fonts to character sheets, to data and reference, as well as miscellanea that doesn't neatly fit elsewhere.

Character sheets




Streamers are typically meant to be engaged with on their live streams and may also be Actual Plays or Podcasts in some instances, as well as book reviews, lore dives and discussions about the setting or specific games.

Actual Plays
Game discussion
Lore dives
Video game reviews

Game discussion
Lore dives
Video game reviews

You are viewing the GRAPHICS listing directory style.

To view the SIMPLE listing style, click here.